Our Programs
Helping Impact the Lives of Single women & Women with children
We encourage every woman to embark on a new and exciting life changing Journey. You can only achieve a deeper sense of peace, well-being and clarity, if you are ready to change, heal, and grow.
Participants will walk through the twist and turns of their life, receiving internal and external through transformation. We give them the tools for self-motivation and hope to help rebuild their lives, their self-esteem, self-worth, while helping them to sustain the difficult long term process of obtaining self-sufficiency.
We offer other supportive services to strengthen their drive, especially those that have been torn by life’s circumstances. They come to appreciate the value of their core essence and purpose. We assist them in finding the pathway towards a healthier, happier and stable lifestyle.
We help broaden their vision so that they are able to move forward in a new way of being, seeing and living.

A Diamond in the Ruff
Independent Living
Single Women (Ages 24-68)
Up to 18- month of temporary housing,
case management
outpatient treatment referrals,
individual counseling and group counseling,
employment services/job referrals/training referrals
food & clothing referrals
outside wrap around Services
life skills/self of esteem classes
spiritual development for personal/community well being
Provides housing for single women in Alameda County that have been displaced and experiencing extreme poverty, and/or homelessness, and those who need emergency transitional housing. Helping individuals maintain some level of self-sufficiency.

Culturally Centered Services For Women In Need.

We are here with support and love.
Phase I
What is Your Core Essence?
During the first six months, the client are asked to focus on their own personal program; Learning everything about self and the challenging events that had forced their shift in life; examine the self-limiting behavior patterns, addictions, deep co-dependencies, and learn to forgive themselves and others.
Phase II
The Breakthrough
The next six months, clients will identify their emotional needs and begin to recognize the barriers which impede their growth; Learn to manage the process of transitioning from homelessness to stability; . Help restore hope, faith and belief in oneself and how to create a loving, healthy and fulfilling relationship with family members and others.
Phase III
Connect The Dots
The next six months, the client will begin to make connections; they start to demonstrate independence; they are learning to navigate their medical needs along with their housing and finances; they start forming connections with outside community partner agencies; they are exhibiting work ethics, and are eager to advance their education; Vocationally, Spiritually and Socially, they are seeing great progress. They are finally on track!
Phase IV
Flourish & Sore
Clients now take all the knowledge and tools they were provided and they flourish and grow; they continue their growth as the person they once knew; their life journey is now stable, healthy and filled with love.
Let’s talk about Numbers:
Of our clients excel, and become self-sufficient.
Of our clients report that our program has impacted their life.
We put our effort in supporting each participant.

Our core program aims to impact outcomes in each of our participants, related to sustainability, consistency, living in a community, and taking responsibility for the impact that our actions and choices have on our communities. Believing that sustainability starts with each person who embraces the community as a larger whole, helps participants affect an even greater positive change in the world.
How We Impact Our Communities
Continuum of Care Resource Hub
The Oakland Transitional Housing Alliance formed in 2021, With a mission is to increase the visibility of Transitional Housing opportunities, engage as viable partner within the housing continuums, implement policy, and leverage together our resources and specialties in order to create a continuum of care for unhoused single mother's and their children.
Bringing together a group with experience, capabilities and lessons learned.
A Diamond in the Ruff, Urban University and Oakland Elizabeth House has created an innovative supportive housing continuum program model, designed to lift homeless and unhoused mothers and their children from homelessness and poverty into well-being and upward mobility.
Given the many years of experience of all three leaders providing Interim Transitional Housing in Oakland California.
We have created a Communal space called the Resource Hub
to share with those within our the community to be of more service...